We is You and Me.

Josh Greenberg

Founder & Creative Strategy Consultant/Facilitator

J/G is a signature of curiosity, connection, and creative strategy. With a career spanning global leadership roles in music, culture, and tech, he’s been at the forefront of initiatives that bridge creativity and business. From shaping strategy for Red Bull and Spotify to founding innovative start-ups, J/G has developed an approach grounded in real-world experience and cultural insight. Today, he channels this journey into facilitating Offsite Leadership and Strategy Sessions at Green Mountain Lodge, where leaders and teams come together to build future-focused strategies.

J/G’s Journey to the Lodge

Green Mountain Lodge to date has served as a creative strategy partner to the music, culture, tech, and brand sectors. My work focuses on long-term planning and strategy, embedded within C-suites and executive leadership teams to support the creativity required to navigate market challenges and opportunities. This includes onboarding teams to shared visions, values, and goals. Projects span offsites and team meetings, sprints, and longer engagements, typically running between 3-12 months. The journey to this work has been shaped by diverse experiences across industries and global markets, each contributing a new layer to how I approach creative strategy and leadership today.

A Strategic Time to Be Born

From the golden era of vinyl and CDs to the seismic shifts brought on by digital streaming and beyond, J/G's life journey has paralleled the evolution of multiple industries navigating change. This alignment has been more than coincidence; it’s been an immersive education that gives J/G a rare perspective on strategic thinking in times of disruption.


Crafting the Future, Together